The year 1991 is known for many tragic events that happened during that period - New reforms enthralled the people, end of the golden rule of the mafia, bomb blasts devastated many and many more. To make it interesting just discuss some instances of Mafia raj. Mumbai mafia started in the 1930s and was mainly divided into three gangs, each specializing in different crimes. During the same period, the Maharashtra government-imposed restrictions on the consumption of Alcohol. The Mafia seized the opportunity in it, to make money as there was a lot of demand for alcohol but no legal supply of it. The mafia started illegally supplying alcohol to the people for higher rates, these brought them huge lumps of cash flow. Being there are different gangs, there was only a little bit of tension between them as their source of income mainly based on 3 sources 1. Illegal supply of alcohol 2. Smuggling of high tax-imposed goods 3. Gambling. With a high-income supply to the mafia, ...