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Showing posts from May, 2023


THE TRIO CRISES "A Butterfly Effect of Mismanagement" The Trio crises are comprised of three main economic crises: Sri Lanka's (2019 - Current), Pakistan's (2022 - 2023), and the United Kingdom issue (2021- Present) Covid - 19 is said to be the backbone of all of the above crises. This may be true to some extent, but many people blame the country's poor economic management. Covid 19 entered the global economy in March 2020, however these nations' economies slowed before the Covid 19 itself. Yes, Covid -19 exacerbated the situation, but countries may mitigate its effects by effective economic management. The Trio crises Explained. Sri Lanka Economic Crises (2019 – Present) Sri Lanka is a Democratic Socialistic Republic with population of 2.15 Cr in 2022. For the first time in the history of Sri Lanka the worst economic crisis has been witnessed. The present government is grossly responsible for this kind of economic mess in Sri Lanka. People from all wal...